En una de las asignaturas que estoy estudiando este semestre en la Universidad de Harvard (“Justice / Moral Reasoning 22”) nos han puesto una lista de lecturas obligadas. Algunas están en el “coursepack” (tocho de fotocopias que se puede comprar en la librerí­a, y que cuesta más por los pagos de royalties de copyright que por los costes de reproducción y distribución), principalmente los artí­culos. Otras están enlazadas desde la web del curso (en forma de blog con acceso por contraseña), pero otras (los libros de clásicos como Aristóteles, Mills, Kant, etc) no están. Simplemente nos dicen que vayamos a la biblioteca o que compremos el libro.

Por supuesto eso me ha tocado la moral, así­ que os reproduzco el trozo de página donde listan las obras, y luego mi respuesta al final. En la mayorí­a de cosas estoy encantado con Harvard, pero esto se merece un pequeño tirón de orejas:

September 18, 2005


Some of these are available on the website. Please check for a hyperlink.

I. Introduction (Sept. 19, 21)

Politics and Ethics: Doing the Right Thing

The Queen v. Dudley and Stephens (1884) (The lifeboat case)

II. Utilitarianism (Sept. 26, 28)

Bentham, Principles of Morals and Legislation, ch. I, IV

J.S. Mill, Utilitarianism

III. Libertarianism (Oct. 3, 5)

Friedman, Free to Choose, ch. 5

Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia, pp. 149-64, 167-78

Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, ch. 6

IV. Locke: Property Rights (Oct. 12, 17)

Locke, Second Treatise of Government, ch. 1-5, 7-11, 18-19

V. Markets and Morals: (Oct. 19, 24)

Surrogate Motherhood, Military Service, Body Parts

Calabresi and Bobbit, Tragic Choices, pp. 158-65

McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, pp. 600-11

In the Matter of Baby ‘M’ (1987)

In the Matter of Baby ‘M’ (1988, N.J. Supreme Court)

Anderson, “Is Women’s Labor a Commodity?”

Kimbrell, The Human Body Shop, pp. 24-35

VI. Kant: Freedom as Autonomy (Oct 26, 31, Nov.2)

Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals

Kant, “Theory and Practice” (excerpt)

Kant, “Duties Toward the Body in Respect of Sexual Impulse” (excerpt)

VII.Rawls: Justice as Fairness (Nov. 7)

Rawls, A Theory of Justice

ch. I (sec. 1-6)

ch. II (sec. 11-14, 17)

ch. III (sec. 20, 22, 24-5)

ch. IV (sec. 40)

VIII. Distributive Justice: Equality, Entitlement, Merit (Nov. 9, 14)

Rawls, A Theory of Justice

ch. V (sec. 41, 47-8)

ch. VII (sec. 68)

ch. IX (sec. 79, 84-87)

Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia, pp. 213-31

IX. Affirmative Action: Reverse Discrimination? (Nov. 16)

Bernstein, “Racial Discrimination or Righting Past Wrongs?”

<a href="/~mr22/readings2005/Hopwood%20v%20Texas.doc"Hopwood v. State of Texas (1996)

Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)

Dworkin, “Bakke’s Case: Are Quotas Unfair?”

Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, pp. 135-47

Morley, “Double Reverse Discrimination”

Brus, “Proxy War: Liberals Denounce Racial Profiling. Conservatives

Denounce Affirmative Action. What’s the Difference?”

X. Aristotle: Justice and Virtue (Nov. 21, 23)

Aristotle, The Politics, Bks. I, III (ch. 1-13)

Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, Bks II (ch. 1-3), X (ch. 1-3)

XI. Ability, Disability, and Discrimination: (Nov. 28)

Cheerleaders and Casey Martin’s Golf Cart

Presley, “A Safety Blitz; Texas Cheerleader Loses Status”

Ryan, “Sorry, Free Rides Not Right”

Kite, “Keep the PGA on Foot”

PGA Tour, Inc. v. Martin (2000)

XII. Justice, Community, and Membership (Nov. 30, Dec. 5)

MacIntyre, After Virtue, ch. 15

Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, pp. 1-24, 175-183

Sandel, “Morality and the Liberal Ideal”

Walzer, Spheres of Justice, pp. 6-10, 86-91, 312-314

XIII. Free Speech versus Hate Speech (Dec. 7)

Civil Rights Marchers, Nazi Protesters

Downs, Nazis in Skokie, pp. 1-15

Collin v. Smith (1978)

Oates, Let the Trumpet Sound, pp. 347-364

Williams v. Wallace (1965)

XIV. Liberalism: Political or Philosophical? (Dec. 12)

Rawls, Political Liberalism, pp. 3-15, 29-35, 144-58

Sandel, “Political Liberalism”

XV. Moral Argument and Liberal Toleration: (Dec. 14)

Same-Sex Marriage, For and Against

Kinsley, “Abolish Marriage”

Finnis, “Law, Morality, and ‘Sexual Orientation’”

Macedo, “Homosexuality and the Conservative Mind”

West, “Universalism, Liberal Theory, and the Problem of Gay Marriage”

Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health (2003)

XVI. Conclusion (Dec. 19)

Justice and the Good Life

Posted by JusticeAdmin at 08:53 PM

| Comments (1)


You should link to these online (and perfectly legal, since they are in the Public Domain) books. I love the library, but having access to these texts directly on our computers gives us the possibility of searching them, and also shows us what a wonderful future it would be if ALL knowledge was shared.

J.S. Mill, Utilitarianism


Locke, Second Treatise of Government


Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals


Aristotle, The Politics


Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics


Enjoy culture, knowledge, freedom and the Net.

Comment by Jorge Cortell-Albert on October 5, 2005 12:43 PM