Hace unos dí­as alguien me propuso que participase en un premio de literatura breve sobre tecnologí­a (“cuentos geeks”). Me encantan los premios, pero no me gusta escribir para un panel de jueces, o para recibir un premio. Si me lo han de dar, estaré encantado, pero si lo escribo es para que lo lea todo el mundo. O nadie. O yo, que es lo mismo. Así­ que aquí­ va uno de los que tengo preparados, esperando alguna buena excusa para revisarlo y publicarlo (siento que esté en inglés, pero así­ querí­a este relato ser escrito).

Geek pretty

– The candles lit on the table, the fire burning in the fireplace, the streetlights flickering through the window… – she said – it‘s so pretty.

(The router‘s leds on and off, Tivo‘s light glowing, the PowerBook‘s status light pulsing… THAT‘s pretty) – he thought to himself.

– Of course it‘s beautiful, baby. I‘ll be right there as soon as I finish this blog post. Why don‘t you start the movie? – he said, assuming that she would not understand where he found beauty.

– Sweetheart, some day you are going to get arrested. Be careful with what you write, ok?

As soon as he finished, he joined her on the couch. The movie had started a few minutes ago, but he had seen it before (downloaded it from Pando P2P and watched on a flight on his iPod video). They hugged and kissed, like they always did when they were close to each other, and she said:

– Geek pretty, that‘s what it is.

– What?

– The flickering lights from all that equipment. You thought I would not notice, didn‘t you?

– You are incredible.

– No, you are.

– You know what‘s the most beautiful light of them all?

– Tell me.

– The light shining in your eyes, when you look at me. The light that will save my soul.

And they kissed in a way that you can‘t do online.