Ayer se llegó a un acuerdo extrajudicial por el que no se van a presentar cargos contra mí­ y yo renuncio a presentar acciones contra quienes iniciaron la investigación criminal por la que, entre otras cosas, este blog ha estado suspendido durante casi dos meses.

En cuanto estén firmados los pertinentes documentos legales (lo cual espero ocurra en breve) volveré a postear tan activamente (o más) que antes. Según la redacción resultante de dichos documentos podré explicar todo este episodio con mayor o menor detalle. Pero lo importate es que vuelvo a poder hablar con libertad y sin amenazas.

Muchas gracias a los cientos de personas que se han interesado y me han ofrecido su apoyo y ayuda.



An out of court settlement was reached yesterday by which no charges will be pressed against me, while I do no tpress charges against those who started the criminal investigation for which, among other things, this blog has been suspended for almost two months.

_As soon as the legal documents are signed (which I hope will happen soon) I wil resume posting as actvely (or more) than before. The exact wording of those documents will determine up to what degree of detail I will be able to explain this episode. But the most important thing is that I can speak freely and without threats again.


Thank you very much to the hundreds of people that showed concern and offered me their support and help.