En una tristemente divertida frase, Rana Sobhany, una DJ que emplea un iPad describe “la cadena de odio de la innovación”:

The vinyl guys hated the CD DJs, then the CD DJs hated the laptop DJs, and then I came along with the iPad, and all previous hate is channeled toward me.

Y luego la explica:

What I’m finding through anecdotal evidence, is that every time there is a paradigm shift as it relates to the performance of music, there is a compound level of disgust from other DJs. DJs have to work on their craft for so many hours, and, as an artist, anytime new technology comes along, you have to relearn everything and it disrupts the process. So, I can see the pushback.

Si sustituimos DJ por cualquier otro arte o incluso profesión, veremos que hay un patrón claro.

Ya lo estudió Darwin.